Saturday November 20, 2021

Call the schools office to be put on the waiting list.

MES Library

Friends & Family Photo Day

Location: MES Library


  1. On the day of your photo session arrive 10 minutes early for check in. 
  2. Choose your backdrop: White drapes (see sample at the pull down menu) or Winter Holiday Theme (not yet posted). Make your choice on that day.
  3. Fill in your pose sheet. This will tell us how many people you want in each photo that is taken. You have 3 poses total. If you arrive late and your appointment time has already started. You will be limited to the number of poses that is possible during the remainder of your time.
  4. Your images will be uploaded to an online gallery here on our website. You will be given a PIN number to enter as your password that will allow you to download all images.
  5. You will take home a print release form that gives you permission to print our images at any professional printing service.

Please help keep us on schedule by arriving on time. 

Thank you for supporting Moanalua Elementary School.